My 2019, My 2020
It’s almost 2020! I think that we should do our personal evaluation just like the annual evaluations of the companies. With this article, I would like to take stock of myself,look back,and shape my plans for the future. Like every year, I made good wishes in the beginning of 2019, I imagined, I set goals. Now it’s time to share 2020 goals!
Yazının Türkçe haline buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
2019 was a year of great changes for me. A year in which I stand stronger, I feel that I grow up, I start a new life…
What did I do in 2019?
In 2019, I graduated from Düzce University in Computer Engineering Department. I criticize this situation; I could have graduated with a higher grade point average.
In 2019, I had two great successes. Firstly, I entered the first 24 among 35000 people and became one of the 2019 Fellow of Hamdi Ulukaya Initiative. It is truly invaluable to have achieved this success by passing many steps among thousands of people, taking courses at New York University, meeting with valuable professors, entrepreneurs, trainers. Also, I recommend you can watch my video published with the Ulukaya Initiative.
My other success was the 2nd place in the Yıldızlı Projeler competition. With this degree, I won an office at Yıldız Technopark, a monetary prize of 5000 TL and various gifts. What is more to point, my mother and father were there when the results were announced at the award ceremony. I was cried my father and mother. This is proud for me.
In 2019, I started to work as soon as I got my graduation certificate. Now,I’m working at ITU Application and Research Center for Satellite Communications and Remote Sensing. I take a part in Deep Learning team in UHUZAM.
In 2019, I moved to Istanbul. I guess that’s the hardest thing I’ve had in 2019. After I started to work I moved to Istanbul and found myself in a great turmoil. In fact, I was forced to adapt Istanbul. I can say that adapt to Istanbul recently. Now, I’m in Istanbul for my 4th month and everything is going well.
In 2019, I made 6 technical presentations. I have criticized myself for this situation; I should have made more presentations. I promise for 2020; I will make at least 20 presentations.
In 2019, I wrote 6 blog posts on Elekrikport and Medium. I’m sorry I wrote five articles, I’d like to write more. In 2019, I had one of my full years, so I didn’t have time to write. I’m setting at least 10 writing goals for 2020, and not only in Turkish, I will write in Turkish and English.
In 2019, A new country: USA. I stayed 2 weeks in the USA and it was a wonderful experience for me.
In 2019, I have been to 9 different Turkey cities such as Isparta, Edirne, Konya, Kocaeli, Ankara, Düzce, Zonguldak, Istanbul and Bolu. I have to visit more cities in Turkey. ❤ I’m going to see more in 2020…
In 2019, I visited 12 museums. Some of these museums; The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Moma The Museum of Modern Art were famous museums where unique artifacts were exhibited.
In 2019, I started a new hobby. This a cooking! Now,I can try different things and I can spend time in my kitchen. There are very delighting for me.
I had braces in 2019. I know it’s ridiculous to say this, but it’s important to me. Braces are a long process and my braces will be with me for a long time. :D
Now I’m explaining the most wonderful thing I’ve done in 2019: I own the cat! It was a surprise for everyone, because I am dog lover. I don’t know how I made this decision but I owned cat in the result of my long seekings. Now, my housmate is Masha and this is my best thing about 2019.
Generally, 2019 was like this for me. Of course I’ve had bad memories and losses in 2019, but I want to forget about them and start 2020 very well.
What are the my goals of 2020?
I have written above myself my criticisms and some goals for 2020.
In 2020, I aim to make presentations not only in Turkish but also in English.
In 2020, Besides writing blog posts, I want to shoot Youtube videos. These videos may be about technical narration, city trips and events.
In 2020, I want to see more movies and series. I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t like watching TV and movies. I want to obtain into the habit of watching movies and series in 2020.
In 2020, I want to make more presentations and reach more people.
This was my 2019 and 2020 goals, let’s see how 2020 will be. I have some secret and sweet goal that I didn’t write here for 2020. I hope I can do it all and find myself writing 2021. ❤
2020 will be my year, I will add a lot to 2019!
I wish everyone a wonderful year ❤
This is my first English blog post. Thanks to my childhood friend Büşra Ergün, who helped me a lot in this article ❤